GALLERY OPENING Friday 29th November from 18h to 21h
BAG___bakeryartgallery is pleased to present Octopus and its culinary artistic philosophy: OCTOPUS INto BAG. On the program of this hybrid exhibition, original works and editions of the Octopus* collections: the latest born, the Saint-Jacques invites itself to the table of pepper, saffron, mustard, chilli pepper and garlic while each set comes alive on the walls of BAG and under the guidance of their creators. The last born, the Lemon is the work of Laurent Perbos. This will be the opportunity to propose an ephemeral spice market in collaboration with Sacré Français (Spice breeder), Art & Craft (ceramic artists), poetic performance (Jean-Rodolphe Loth, Donatien Garnier), gourmet reading and a vertical vegetable garden as aesthetic as it is productive… of urban permaculture ! (with François Millet from Kanopée Koncept).
OCTOPUS PRÉCIS ARTISTIQUE DES MOTS DE BOUCHE Octopus is a review where the most diverse universes sit down to table together. Each issue is set up around a dish, a condiment, a vegetable … which is shelled by personalities invited to put it in perspective in the light of their specialty. A variation around a single theme: transmission, sharing, discovery of the essence of a food through its historical, scientific, literary, artistic, culinary, botanical and cultural declination.